The HI Way
Bullying Episode (22:01)
Let’s end bullying behavior!
This episode was built from the wisdom and practical experience of our Drama Education Team who have been teaching anti-bullying residencies in Hawaii schools for almost a decade. “Bullying” is always one of our most requested topics whenever we survey teachers or reach out to the community. With social media and the disorientation and isolation from the pandemic, social-emotional learning is going to become even more essential in the months and years ahead. It is with great hope that we offer this program and these resources to address a problem that is not unique to children but stretches across every aspect of our society. Now is the moment to plant the seeds of understanding and to grow habits that can shape a lifetime of healthy thinking.
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What Do I DO? (2:15)
HTY Educators (2:00)

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Please consider making a donation to HTY or becoming a member of the theatre. As always, any educator is welcome to sign up for a free membership in appreciation for all the support you already give!
Curious To See More!
We would be delighted to have you watch any of our episodes from Seasons 1 or 2 and are in the process of launching a new set of episodes. Please know that Season 1 was filmed primarily on cell phones from a lockdown situation. We are proud of all the work we have created and are excited to share it.