Thank you for all you have done to keep Hawai‘i students engaged through this very unusual year. A special thank you to those of you who have been using Honolulu Theatre for Youth’s virtual content to augment your classroom activities.
HTY is excited to share with you our plans for Fall of 2021. As with all plans these days, things are subject to change, but this is our intent.
This Fall, 3 shows will be available to tour to your schools.
More shows will be available for touring and at Tenney beginning in January of 2022.

Musubi Man
by Lee Cataluna
adapted from the book by Sandi Takayama
“Run, run, as fast as you can! You no can catch me, I’m one musubi man!” The pidgin-speaking Musubi Man, like the gingerbread man in the classic tale, is determined not to be eaten and he sets out on a wild journey that takes him all the way to the sea. Designed to foster young children’s pre-literacy development, the story gives plenty of opportunity for kids to interact and help with the storytelling.
Grades Preschool – K

Holoholo Nā Holoholona: Animals on the Go Touring Show
Come crawl, leap, jump, fly and sing in this exciting new theatrical adventure based on classic Hawaiian stories of animals. From the wise pueo (owl) to the fearless ‘opihi (limpet) every creature has a story to tell. Like Aesop’s fables many of our ka‘ao & mo‘olelo Hawai‘i have invaluable lessons for all keiki young and old. Lets go “holoholo” around the islands with our friends the animals (holoholona). While laughing and singing students will get an age appropriate introduction to Hawaiian language and culture.
Grades 1 – 6

Remembering John Blossom
There is a rich history of Blacks in Hawai‘i that dates back to the early 1800’s. But, with the exception of a few, like President Obama, most of the stories about Black lives in Hawai‘i have been all but forgotten. HTY veteran actor and playwright Moses Goods creates an enlightening one-man show highlighting the presence of Blackness in the islands from the earliest known records to the most current movements and happenings.
Grades Middle/High School
All of the touring shows will have small casts, 1-3 people. All HTY actors have been vaccinated. We will work with you to perform in your available spaces, to maintain social distance guidelines.
Limited performance days will be available at Tenney Theatre for one school at a time, based on interest and availability. An official announcement around that will be made in the Fall but please contact us if you are interested in scheduling a Fall field trip.