Latest Past Events

Members Enjoy Stories of Oceania

Starting April 1 members will enjoy unlimited access to Stories of Oceania.  These stories from Hawaii and our neighbors in the Pacific celebrate the cultural traditions that connect us. Filled with humor, music and movement, these songs, dances and folktales not only teach about our past but provide valuable wisdom for growing up today and […]

The Carp Who Would Not Quit Available for Members

By Reiko Ho and the HTY Ensemble These re-tellings of traditional fables from Japan and Okinawa teach important lessons of persistence, respect and kindness. Japanese and Okinawan music, language and culture are the heart of this performance featuring clever animals and a whole lot of fun for our youngest audience members and their families. Age […]

Not too late to take in the Duke

This month HTY is delighted to continue to offer Duke for members.  Recently featured as part of New York Theatre Workshop's Reflection of Native Voices this play is not to be missed and is one of the many offering included in membership!