Post-Show Discussion

Post-Show Discussion

Below are some questions related to the themes and action of the play.


▪ How do you define who you are?
▪ How does your ethnicity influence who you are and what you believe?
▪ Many of us can claim more than one ethnicity. If you claim more than one, how does each influence who you are?
▪ Why is your ethnicity or ethnicities important to you?
▪ How do you share your ethnicity with others?

Cultural Heritage
▪ Where is the place you call ‘home’? Why is that place ‘home’ to you?
▪ What do you know about the history of your culture(s)?
▪ What do people in your family or from your ‘home’ value? Why is that important to them?
▪ What would you want other people to respect about your cultural heritage(s)?


Cultural Clash
▪ What is ‘cultural clash’? Why might people of different cultures come into conflict with each other?
▪ Why do you believe that some people disrespect those of a different culture?
▪ How might people avoid such clashes?
▪ How might you help people better understand your own culture(s)?


▪ What is ‘tolerance’? Why do you believe tolerance is important in our world today?
▪ In the news we hear of groups that disagree with each other turning to violence and riots? Why do you think they believe fighting helps solve their disagreement?
▪ How might you suggest groups that disagree solve their differences?